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Moss Creek Dryer Balls
Moss Creek Dryer Balls
Moss Creek Dryer Balls
Moss Creek Dryer Balls
Moss Creek Dryer Balls

Moss Creek Dryer Balls

Regular price $21.00 $17.85 Sale

Hand made in Canada!

Biodegradable wool dryer balls save time and money by reducing drying time and preserves the lifespan of your clothing. No chemical, perfumes or dyes. Lasts up to 1000 + loads

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Laura Kerslake
Laundry bliss

Just bought the dryer balls and Tru Earth laundry soap for my University girl. Perfect start for her independence of University life. Not having to do to much laundry on her own this will take a lot of the stress out for her. No measuring, leaky soap everywhere. Dryer balls will help with keeping her towels fluffy and no worry about chemical residues behind. She cares about the environment and this is a great way to begin life long habits. Plus we shopped local also great for the environment!